Why I switched to Hugo?

If you’ve noticed at all. The page has changed drastically. I switched from hand cranked HTML and CSS into Hugo! Found that there is a decent blogging platform out there that is lightweight.

Writing in markdown files, and just having it generate static HTML is great. No dealing with JS/CSS/HTML anymore. However, a framework does it. The nice thing about it is that there is no heavy JS on the server nor client side to render a neat little page.

I ended up sorta pigging back off the theme known as monochrome. However, this taught me a little bit of SASS. It does have a tiny bit of JS. But, overall, everything should still be usable without turning on JS on your browser.

Turns out that maintaining a blog/RSS with pure HTML was taking up too much of my time, without me actually having the time or energy to write more blogs. I would write one blog, and I’d be done since following up would be getting the HTML tags working again and if I wanted to add something else, then I’d have to modify the CSS to match everything.

One thing I do wish that this theme supported is images that support wrapping text. There is a showcase method, however, that will be reserved for when I start photography.