DuckDuckGo Failed Search Engine

Well then. Here we are again. Another technology that will fall into the bin of dispair. DuckDuckGo, like all the other big tech companies will eventually die off. You have to wonder why they do this to themselves? To me it appears that technologies companies have forgotten their place in the world, and that is that technology moves fast. Really fast, and what is hip today, may not be hip tommorow. If you look at previous tech giants like Google, half the population, at least in the US, already despise it.

DuckDuckGo is also in a very bad postion to try to manipulate the search results for mis-information. Most users of DuckDuckGo left Google or Yahoo, or even Bing due to the censorship under those platforms. Personally, I beleive that users are smart enough to figure out if something if fake, or at least to take it with a grain of salt. There is also the issue that DuckDuckGo has forgotten the number one rule when it comes to war. ‘The first casualty of war is the truth’ I’m not one to stand on either side of Ukraine or Russia. I like most Americans have no horse in this race, so it should not concern us. However, will the Ukrain news articles also get censored? Has Ukraine never done propaganda? I doubt it. There is no state in this world that does not produce some form of propaganda, and saying otherwise is lying. These recent events just show that me and another small group of people are in the right path to try to detach from this current system of tech giants that control most of the internet services.

  • Host your own website to write down rants like I do.
  • Host your own search engine like I do over at
  • Host your own instagram.
  • Host your own media.
  • Host your own chat server.
  • Host your own bank.

Sat, 12 Mar 2022 01:05:04 +0000