Blogging Frameworks Are Bloat

Yes! Blogging Frameworks are bloat. Think about WordPress. Some people install WordPress just to blog. How many issues do you introduce to a website with WordPress? Even if you look at other frameworks that are found on Github. They all require some other stack that’s never on your server. Then you get stuck in limbo trying to get this framework that has 1000 stars because people star it but never actually try it out. So I ended just doing plain HTML with a little script I found in (github)[]. I still need to modify this a bit, however, it got me off the ground right away. It’s gnu compliant so it’ll run on any system that has SED and bash. It just inserts blobs of text into files. In my instance, it throws code to blog.html and adds a new file for a standalone blog HTML as well as inserts text to rss.xml. This allows me to just write and not worry about how to run a specific framework, and all the security issues it brings with it. Now I hope that I’ll blog more since this is a much easier way to just add files to the blog list. No more manually adding those, no more cryptic commands that only exist in 1 project. This opens the question about what is happening to the tech industry/community. Do developers no longer enjoy simplicity? I can only imagine the things old-timers think when they see all this bloat on pages. Another popular way people do blogging, journalists mostly pay someone else to host their blog so they get an easy WYSIWYG system, but then complain when their freedom of speech is taken because they never actually owned the blog. It’s on someone else server. Their rules at that point. I do hope that this, what I’m doing having a very minimal website takes off again, what’s better than going back to decentralization with what already exists until the blockchain can fully be adopted if it’s ever adopted.

Thu, 07 Oct 2021 02:55:42 +0000